Here’s the preliminary cover of Moonslasher, my 25-year-old horror novel that has been reedited and updated. It sold well and for Critic’s Choice Paperbacks was the number bestseller during their few years as a publisher. In fact, in an annual volume of Fiction Writer’s Market, they featured it as the highlight book.

I’m pleased with the new version. It’s tighter than the original, which was a little sloppy here and there. And the story holds up. Remote resort town in the Colorado Rockies, teenagers drinking, partying and having sex, a one-armed cop keeping the peace and a bizarre monster prowling under the full moon, killing anyone in its path and eating what it kills.

Fun stuff.

I was once told that a couple of teenagers related to my wife were driving at night through Wyoming, under a full moon, taking turns reading Moonslasher, scaring the bejesus out of one another. What’s not to love about that?

Hopefully, I’ll have Moonslasher out as an ebook by mid-September.